CTOC Module 00: Welcome and Overview
This video welcomes you to the CTOC Online Training Course and provides an overview on what you will learn.

CTOC Module 01: Introduction to CWT
Introduction to CWT provides an overview of wildlife crime, covering its scale, product flows for important commodities, drivers and impacts.

CTOC Module 02: Introduction to Transnational Organized Crime
Introduction to Transnational Organized Crime is about understanding the supply chains utilized by the criminal group being investigated.

CTOC Module 03a: Development of Informants
Development of Informants illustrates the methods for developing informants as sources of information.

CTOC Module 03b: Source Management
Source Management illustrates the methods for managing informants and sources of information.

CTOC Module 04: Document Exploitation
Document Exploitation (DOMEX) illustrates the identification and collection of documents required for successfully investigating TOC cases.

CTOC Module 05: Specialized Investigative Techniques – Controlled Deliveries
Specialized Investigative Techniques illustrates Controlled Deliveries (CDs) as a specialized investigative technique that can be used in transnational organized crime investigations.

CTOC Module 06: Acquisition and Handling of Evidence
Acquisition and Handling of Evidence provides in-depth examination of the types of evidence that can be collected, including the procedures and requirements for correct collection, handling, sealing and transfer of evidence.

CTOC Module 07: Digital Forensics and Communications Exploitation
Digital Forensics and Communications Exploitation explains the various types of electronic equipment from which information can be extracted and analyzed.

CTOC Module 08a: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Techniques (Theoretical)
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Techniques(Theoretical) outlines the various types of online resources that can be used to obtain information on suspects who are under investigation.

CTOC Module 08b: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Techniques (Practical)
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Techniques(Practical)will guide you through
free tools which you can use throughout the course of your investigations.

CTOC Module 09: Interviewing Techniques
Interviewing Techniques provides an introduction to the skills necessary for obtaining information during an interview with a suspect or witness.

CTOC Module 10: Anti-Money Laundering
Anti-Money Laundering describes techniques that enable investigators to develop hypotheses as to how criminals attempt to hide the proceeds of their illegal activities.

CTOC Module 11: International Assistance and Collaboration
International Assistance and Collaboration details the value of international assistance and collaboration in transnational organized crime investigations.

CTOC Module 12: Financial Investigations
Financial Investigations outlines how financial investigations can support criminal investigations by obtaining financial data and proving illegal income.

CTOC Module 13a: Supply Chain Analysis
This Module: Supply Chain Analysis provides an overview of the importance of addressing the escalating wildlife trafficking problem through understanding supply chains.

CTOC Module 13b: Link Chart Development
Link Chart Development is designed to develop an understanding of how criminal gangs can be connected using the concept of "link analysis."

CTOC Module 14: Operational Planning and Targeting Profiles
Operational Planning and Targeting Profiles takes a deep dive into operations plans and case takedowns.

CTOC Module 15: Prosecution
Prosecution explains why a successful prosecution is a goal of effective investigations and how prosecutors are an important part of the task team.

CTOC Module 16: WildScan Smartphone Application
WildScan explores a free smartphone application which will allow you to identify commonly trafficked animals by answering a few non-technical questions.

CTOC Module 17: Setting Multiple Snares for Wildlife Criminals
In this session, you will learn ways to work up the chain to investigate the organizers and leaders of the criminal organizations.

CTOC Module 18: Using Species Victim Impact Statements to Effectively Address Wildlife Crime
This module explains the concept of Species Victim Impact Statements and how to use them at court.

CTOC Module 19: Course Mastery and Course Survey
You can access the CTOC Mastery Certificate after successfully completing all CTOC Modules and answering the course survey questions.