PROBLEM: Indiscriminate consumption globally and in China is fueling unsustainable industries such as fur farming. In fur farming, disregard is shown for human welfare in terms of employment and safety, exploitation of animals and damage to the environment. The risks of pandemics is becoming clearer but when people are shopping there is a disconnect between individual actions and impacts to other people, animals and the environment.

The legal trade in fur is a starting point to tackle the trade in wildlife and prevent future pandemics. At the same time as ACTAsia works for a reduction in demand for wildlife as a whole, we aim to build a consumer mind set, who understand compassionate choices and the destructive effects that over and indiscriminate consumption has on the world, from all of the One Health perspectives.

These choices such as fur in fashion fuel unsustainable industries and put human health at risk from toxic chemicals and the potential for pandemics. The risks of pandemics is becoming clearer but when people are shopping, there is a disconnect of the two issues.

The legal trade in fur is a starting point to tackle the commercial trade in wildlife and prevent future pandemics. At the same time as ACTAsia works for a reduction in demand for wildlife as a whole, we aim to build a consumer mind set, of people who understand compassionate choices and the positive impacts they can have on the world, from a One Health perspective.


Fur-Free Festival in Shanghai China (during/close to Shanghai Fashion week AW) including: 

Partnership with Fashion Zoo Expo (2020) 

Fur-free Opening day for all visitors and exhibitors 

Forum to promote fur free and alternatives and to foster and nurture Fur-free message as mainstream within China 

Opportunity to present Fur Free Retailers (FFR) who use alternative materials in their designs and have committed to not using fur

Partnerships in 2020: Fashion Zoo, Stella McCartney, London College of Fashion, British Consulate, British Council, CBCGDF

Baseline Number - target population: age group 16 to 59years old in China (consumers)  = 923,797,568

Post Project numbers 40,000,000 reached

Baseline percentage: 2019 post project numbers: 38,000,000 4.1%

2020 Post Project percentage: 4.3%  

4.3% of the consumer population in China reached in 2020

RESULTS: ACTAsia has been delivering the Fashion Festival in China for six years and have built up to 2020 where we have made the event offline and online, had international speakers join from around the world online and in person, and been able to pull in brands for sustainable fashion and in 2020 started to broaden the reach to consumers of plant-based diet including OATLY.

Held in China to include: Fashion Show, Forum and Fur-Free day.

Media pick up from 20 media agencies in China

Total reach for the event this year (2020) was close to 40 million people.

In ACTAsia consumer report 2020 we have found that a higher percentage of fur consumers will stop buying fur once they know about the practices in fur farms and more about the industry. This has increased from 65% in 2019 to 84% in 2020.

We measure success by the partnerships, strong political support, that the Fur-Free message is within the larger sustainability discussion and has become mainstream, this has been a crucial goal and one ACTAsia has been keen to work towards. ACTAsia has steadily built a robust and credible reputation in China and internationally through diligent research work and reporting on evidence and maintaining context and integrity within our work. We have honoured partners and given credit where it is due, delivering what we set out to achieve.

Over the six years of Fashion Festivals we have hand-picked key speakers who we respect and know they have something key and individual to bring to the forums, we have showcased fur free brands and maintained a positive message on consumer choices. ACTAsia avoids the radical or bandwagon and does not use aggression or finger-pointing tactics. Instead we are non-confrontational, offering positive consumer choices and back up with the reasoning to explain and inform with benefits to people, animals and the environment.

Through the media we have become a called upon source for accurate up to date information, this is due to the approach we have taken to ensure we research and fact check before sharing information with others. ACTAsia keeps the fur issue within mainstream media and have avoided being side-lined or tarnished as a ‘radical’ group that is then dismissed. 

Promoting open and honest discussion and not condemning but celebrating small changes, not driving for perfection in consumer choices but showing that small changes can add up makes people feel they are willing to join us.

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