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    Welcome to the Counter Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) Training Module 17.You will need an internet connection with the ability to download files and stream videos with sound in order to complete this Module.

    Many wildlife trafficking investigations and prosecutions involve only low-level poachers. In this session, you will learn ways to work up the chain to investigate the organizers and leaders of the criminal organizations. Specifically, you will learn about following the targets’ money to add money laundering charges to your wildlife trafficking offenses, when appropriate, and eventually seize criminal assets. In the end, you will have ideas on how to start investigating and prosecuting the leaders of the transnational wildlife trafficking criminal organizations to disrupt and dismantle those organizations.


    In this module, you will:

    1. Take a pre-check assessment
    2. Download and review a PowerPoint presentation and other resources
    3. Watch two videos (18:55 minutes and 19:50 minutes)
    4. Take a final quiz
    5. You will earn a Certificate of Completion, which you can download and print, after you download the PowerPoint presentation and watch the videos.

    NOTE: You can expect to spend approximately 60 minutes to complete this module. You can take breaks and come back to the Module if you wish. Your progress will be saved. To view English subtitles for the video, click the "CC" button on the video toolbar.


    To begin this Module, please select the Competencies link on the left menu or below:

    • Here is what you will learn in the Setting Multiple Snares for Wildlife Criminals module.

    • Here is what you need to do in order to complete this module.

    • US DOJ logo

      Sylvia Shweder is the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training Regional Resident Legal Advisor for Counter Wildlife Trafficking (CWT), based in Laos.

    • The Pre-Check questions are provided to help you find out what you already know about Setting Multiple Snares for Wildlife Criminals. This is not a graded quiz.

    • Trang icon
      17.5. GET STARTED Trang

      PowerPoint presentations for this module are provided in English.

      Không hiện hữu trừ khi: The activity 17.4. PRE-CHECK is marked complete
    • Bài học icon
      17.6. ALL VIDEOS Bài học

      CTOV Mod 17 cover image

      Không hiện hữu trừ khi:
      • The activity 17.4. PRE-CHECK is marked complete
      • The activity 17.5. GET STARTED is marked complete
    • Trắc nghiệm icon
      17.7. QUIZ Trắc nghiệm

      The Module Quiz consists of multiple choice questions. Choose the answer you think is correct. You will be prompted to submit your answer.

      IMPORTANT: Once you receive a passing grade (70% or higher) on the quiz, the button next to “Quiz” on the left will turn green. If you do not pass, you will see a red “x”

      Không hiện hữu trừ khi bất cứ trong:
      • The activity 17.4. PRE-CHECK is marked complete
      • The activity 17.5. GET STARTED is marked complete
      • The activity 17.6. ALL VIDEOS is marked complete
    • Learn even more about Setting Multiple Snares for Wildlife Criminals.